
About our Micro Teaching

We did a micro teaching,"Try to be the only one"last Thursday.I played a role of HRT.

☆the objectives of my pre-reading and in-reading activities☆
【In Pre-reading】
We wanted students to be interested in a new section.So we did the following activities.
(・We and students confirmed the meaning of some new words.)
・We got students to expect the content of the story from the title and new words before students read their textbook.

【In In-reading】
We wanted students to understand the paragraphs deeply.So we did the following activities.
・Students repeated every sentence after ART read.
・We asked the characters in the paragraphs.(About "the boy","the boy's grand mother","the boy's father","the boy's mother".)
・Students tried three T/F questions.

☆the strengths and weaknesses of my mini-lesson☆
【The strengths】
・When students confirmed the meaning of some new words,we picked up the tempo of their response.
・To repeat after ALT was useful for students to practice pronunciations of the paragraph.
・Three T/F questions was easy for students to check their understanding.

【The weaknesses】
・To practice some new words cost more time than we expected.
・To repeat after ALT was also cost more time.
・To expect the content of the story from the title and new words was very difficult.
・To repeat the sentences only one time was difficult for students to understand the meaning.

☆discoveries about teaching☆
・To be careful to share of time.
In a real teaching,students may do some unexpected response to teacher's question. Or it may cost more time to do some activities.
・An importance of Pre-reading activity.
It depends on Pre-reading whether students will be interested in a content and concentrate on a class.